Credit – Treasures and Tiara

Credit – Treasures and Tiara
Create some prehistoric mayhem with a Dinosaur Party that your child will cherish forever! Using a jurassic idea, you can create a venue outdoors for a very natural effect. If you cannot have the event outside, you can bring some plastic plants indoors and hang gigantic leaves of paper stock to make a wild outdoorsy look.
Make each guest table a dangerous excursion of dinosaur delight with a mini-prehistoric centerpiece at each one. Use small plants with long leaves to cover the dinosaurs that you place around to make it look like they are hiding in the bushes! For the base colors of your tables use dark brown covers so the green from all the natural elements and shine fantastically. For a fun and secretive decoration, place a couple of crates around the room with DANGER tags place on them. Inside you could actually have some sort of stuffed dinosaur as a prize for the winners of your activities during the party. You can use different green shades of crepe paper for a 3D effect on your back drop for your food table by cutting it into long strips, wrapping the top around some yarn and then draping it across your wall like a banner.
You can really get creative with your Dinosaur dishes, one favorite is to make a Tyrannosaurus with a watermelon, toothpicks for teeth and inside his mouth you can place lots of little fruit bites for the kids to chomp on. Make little “bones” from pretzels to add a bit of archeological fun. Little nests with candy eggs are sure to have your guests ready for more treats. You can make dino-cookies and all kinds of other dino-shaped delicacies for an exciting buffet. Make a dangerously delicious cake with a giant dinosaur coming out of the top in a crazy fun way.
Some unique activities that kids will love include making your own dinosaur dig. You can put little plastic dino’s into balloons, then fill them with water and freeze the night before the party. Then peel the balloon off the dino-ice cubes and let the guests hammer into the ice – with safety goggles of course- to excavate their prize. Have a hot lava tug-of-war by placing a red towel in the center and have each team on the sides to pull the other team onto it.
You can send your little party goers home with plastic eggs filled with surprise goodies to enjoy when they get home. You could also make delicious dirt cups with little dinosaurs on top for a treat to remember!