This colorful Farm Barnyard Party brought the adventure of outdoors in after some very artful styling by Live Smile Celebrate! Using a wonderful variety of vibrant colors and patterns, the party area had a personality of its own.
The kid’s table was a work of art with a fantastic checkered fabric for the base that created a warm, farm feel. All of the settings had square plates that were layered for a neat effect and had an adorable sticker on top for the kids to enjoy. Silverware was nicely wrapped in a holder and all of the kids were given regular or chocolate milk, their choice. For a fun centerpiece, pails were filled up with yellow jelly beans and had wonderful birthday signs sticking out. Every chair even had a cowboy hat waiting for the kids to wear for their farm day fun.
For the dessert table set-up a red and white polka dot fabric was used to set the scene for the tasty snacks. With a cute Happy Birthday Banner over the fabric, the back drop was complete. On each side of the table barn silos were diy’ed, giving the entire layout a personalized look that was definitely one of a kind. The center of the table had a cool wooden wheelbarrow that was filled up with tasty animal crackers. With adorable little details like that, the farm theme was very clearly incorporated throughout the treats.
A special little cake was made for the birthday boy and covered in a delicious green frosting. The top was a sheep of marshmallows, making a perfect finishing touch for this dessert. To make the cake really stand out, it was surrounded with vibrantly frosted cupcakes of orange and blue, each with cute little labels sticking out.
See below the photos for full list of credits:
Credits –
– Venue: Peakaboo Children’s Center, Michigan
– Styling & Photographs & Cake, Cupcakes & Pops : Live Smile Celebrate
– Printables: Stockberry Studio
– Animal Cracker’s & Cow Pails: Target
– Hay barrels: Michael’s
– Paper Products, Wheelbarrow, & Baskets: Christmas Tree Shops
– Large Milk Bottles & Fabric: Walmart